How to Live Your Life on Purpose with Debra Reeves

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Own your soul’s gifts and the urges that drive you and discover how to best utilise these in your life.
Learn to fully align with your highest path and purpose in order to see your dream and ambitions come to fruition.
Clear away any old fears and insecurities holding you back and learn how to claim what is for your highest good.
Are you READY and willing to stand up, stand out and make a difference?
Stand In Your Power(4)

Live Your Life on Purpose:

JOIN the 8 week How To Live Your Life On Purpose Program.

Are you ready to fully align with your own soul’s gifts and urges?

Are you ready to do a deep dive to explore your own soul’s highest path and purpose – and the legacy you were born for?

Are you ready to fully align with your own soul’s growth?

You know you’ve got it in you. You know it’s all there just waiting to be revealed! You’ve got so much going for you, so much potential. You feel it all bubbling just beneath the surface waiting to be remembered. It’s all there ready to be expressed.

I will guide you, mentor you and help you empower You to Live Your Life on Purpose.

I'm here to help you evolve, develop your soul gifts

To awaken your spiritual self to connect with the wisdom and guidance that is always available within you, all the power and all the love you need to change the world.

You have a variety of ways to Connect all aimed at giving you the best outcome for your journey

Your program will include:

  • Weekly Emailed Videos
  • Weekly Emailed Reflection
  • Weekly Q&A Session via Zoom
  • Access to Soundcloud guided meditations
  • Private Facebook Group

Eliminate the confusion.

Own your soul’s gifts and the urges that drive you and discover how to best utilise these in your life.

Learn to fully align with your highest path and purpose in order to see your dream and ambitions come to fruition.

Clear any old fears and insecurities holding you back.

Learn any subtle or radical changes needed in your life, your career or relationships

Create a greater awareness of your spirit team.

Program Posters(5)

How To Live Your Life On Purpose Program is designed to help you to get back into alignment with your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects so that you can live your life on purpose!

Book Your This 60 minute Soul Alignment call is where we can dig a whole lot deeper! Where you will discover how to build a 12 month plan for you and your life, enabling you to live your life on purpose.

Plus discover how you can go even deeper with our 8 Week Intensive Program. Whether you decided to Join the How to Live a Life on Purpose Program or not you still walk away with your 12 month plan and invaluable knowledge.

Hear from Debras Clients

You are a game changer Debra. A life changer.

“I’ve studied spirituality for 30 years and always looked outside myself for connection, for answers, for guidance…. up until now, until joining the SoulFull Sister Revolution, until having an Akashic Record Reading by Debra and until doing this program, How To Live Your Life On Purpose.

“I’ve studied spirituality for 30 years and always looked outside myself for connection, for answers, for guidance…. up until now, until joining the SoulFull Sister Revolution, until having an Akashic Record Reading by Debra and until doing this program, How To Live Your Life On Purpose.
These teachings have shown me how to feel safe in my body, how to trust my own guidance and myself, how to be me, how to be all that I can be even tho I’m still a work in progress.
Thanks to your teachings Debra I feel empowered, more confident, my comfort zone is expanding and I like myself more every day. Most of all… I can now give my dream to save the world a voice and an avenue for change.
You are a game changer Debra. A life changer. Your teachings are amazingly empowering. An embodied spirituality IS what The Source of All had in mind from the very beginning, and finally, here you are! Thank you Debra, thank you.”

You are a divine spark…connected to all that is

“This program has lovingly brought me back towards home/center… and it’s reminded me, as in Debra’s words, “You are a divine spark…connected to all that is”. Through this guided & healing process, I’ve embraced a greater sense of self & self love. I’ve grounded into feeling more alive and steadfast in my sovereignty. I’ve established stronger (more tender) connections/bonds with my loved ones, Spirit and Nature. I’m gradually settling back into my organic skin, taking time to explore & digest all the new awarenesses & feels that continue to unfold. Trusting myself, and the Universe, through this life changing process has proven to be one of the greatest gifts. Tuning-in to the Universe’s heartbeat is a never ending, beautiful story. It’s a magical adventure that I’ll continue to spiral my way through for the rest of my cosmic life, being ever so loved, guided and protected along the way!… So Blessed! ”
~ Alison

I feel sooooo connected and in touch with myself.

“I feel sooooo connected and in touch with myself. I feel more compelled to trust myself instead of others. When we have allowed ourselves to have been controlled by others we feel so disempowered. I have foolishly allowed myself to be controlled by others because I lacked self-confidence and fear. I really have given away my own power and I feel so grateful that I do not need to anymore. I can confidently let that part of my life go. I can embrace my own power and to trust myself to do what I want to do.
You see for so long I was afraid. I felt worthless. I lacked confidence. I was afraid of how people would react to me if I was honest. I was afraid of making others angry. I was always taught to have the role of submission to obey and be a good girl…I’m tired of playing this game and living my life around others.
I’m so grateful for this experience. Stepping into my power for sure.”
~ Kalyan