You are a game changer Debra. A life changer.

“I’ve studied spirituality for 30 years and always looked outside myself for connection, for answers, for guidance…. up until now, until joining the SoulFull Sister Revolution, until having an Akashic Record Reading by Debra and until doing this program, How To Live Your Life On Purpose.
“I’ve studied spirituality for 30 years and always looked outside myself for connection, for answers, for guidance…. up until now, until joining the SoulFull Sister Revolution, until having an Akashic Record Reading by Debra and until doing this program, How To Live Your Life On Purpose.
These teachings have shown me how to feel safe in my body, how to trust my own guidance and myself, how to be me, how to be all that I can be even tho I’m still a work in progress.
Thanks to your teachings Debra I feel empowered, more confident, my comfort zone is expanding and I like myself more every day. Most of all… I can now give my dream to save the world a voice and an avenue for change.
You are a game changer Debra. A life changer. Your teachings are amazingly empowering. An embodied spirituality IS what The Source of All had in mind from the very beginning, and finally, here you are! Thank you Debra, thank you.”