“I’ve studied spirituality for 30 years and always looked outside myself for connection, for answers, for guidance…. up until now, until joining the SoulFull Sister Revolution, until having an Akashic Record Reading by Debra and until doing this program, How To Live Your Life On Purpose. “I’ve studied spirituality for 30 years and always looked…

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“This program has lovingly brought me back towards home/center… and it’s reminded me, as in Debra’s words, “You are a divine spark…connected to all that is”. Through this guided & healing process, I’ve embraced a greater sense of self & self love. I’ve grounded into feeling more alive and steadfast in my sovereignty. I’ve established…

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For 8 weeks I had the opportunity and pleasure to work with Debra Reeves in her How to Live Your Life On Purpose program. I knew I was meant to work with Debra and did not give a second thought upon signing up for her program. I was at the point in my life where…

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