Beloved, You do not need to become anything.
This is an unbecoming, an unravelling, reducing to the truth of who you are.
This is a releasing, shedding, dissolving all that you are not.
Then you will remember.
You will see the truth of who you are all the days of your life,
because to do otherwise is to strip away all you hold dear
and that is unimaginable.
You are already the strong, SoulFull Woman you long to be.
~ Debra Reeves
You are a divine being in a physical body.
My vision is to empower amazing spiritual women to access their own divinity. By tuning in to our own body, thoughts, emotions and soul we find an infinite resource to all our longings. Reconnect with the body’s wisdom, shift accumulated physical, emotional, mental and spiritual baggage, and remember the truth of who you are.
We can connect deeply with our own inner knowing, our essential self, our true power and potential that is the truth of who we are.
I use my 30 years of communicating with the Spirit Realms, accessing the Akashic Records and Feminine Embodiment Coaching to train and mentor women who are ready to claim their power, passion and purpose. By embracing an embodied feminine spiritual path and reuniting with our own Spirit Guide Team, we hold the keys to an enlivened life.
STOP Being Less and start Being...
More honest. More real. More visible. More radically present. More loving. More expansive. More committed.

TIME IS UP. Own your truth. Reclaim your power. Access your passion. Embrace your purpose.
Let’s create a new world for everyone to thrive. We are all on a journey back to self, our true self - our authentic, fearless, creative and unconditionally loving aspect that knows no limitation or separation from spirit. This requires us to continually change and adapt our life style as we change and expand into higher consciousness.
Do you have aspects of your life that no longer serve your highest and best good?
My programs and trainings help women who are ready to take back their power, passion and purpose.
Often fear and insecurities arise during these initiatory stages like motherhood, matrescence and menopause. These fears hold us back and prevent us from stepping forward confidently into the next phase of our lives. Liberate all the stuck, stored thoughts, memories and emotions...and access all the wisdom within at the same time - so you can experience more joy in life.
Explore all of the incredible wisdom available to you. Integrate your body, mind, emotions and spirit. Come home.

A Great Place to Start

Feminine Embodiment Coaching helps clients to choose new pathways in your body, mind, emotions and spiritual self.

Join me in a deep dive to develop your own skills and intuitive abilities so that you can live your life on purpose.
Meet Debra Reeves
Authentic Feminine Embodied Wisdom & Spirituality
Founder of The SoulFull Sister Revolution Facebook Group, I have over 30 years’ experience communicating directly with Spirit. I have lived and worked throughout Asia and the Near East, and am trained in Reiki (Usui), Professional Intuitive, reading the Akashic Records, Clinical Pastoral Care, Hospice Volunteer and Feminine Embodiment Coaching.
I am dedicated to empowering SoulFull Women to tune in to their authentic, feminine self and inner wisdom.
Originally from New Zealand, I live on the heart shaped island of Tasmania, off the south coast of Australia with her husband of almost twenty years, three teenage sons, two dogs and two cats.
I have been married for over 20 years and has three teenage sons so I love working with women confronting life's initiatory gateways of motherhood, matrescence or menopause. I assist women to find a way to consider their own needs and desires within relationships with partners and children.
I have trained as a Professional Intuitive and Feminine Embodiment Coach. I teach how to drop into our heart, to reconnect with the feelings and sensations of our body. We have access to a whole database of information through our beautiful bodies. Our feelings and sensations whisper information to us, guide us to the parts of our body that craves attention and healing.
I have also trained in Clinical Pastoral Care and as a Hospice Volunteer to support people with a terminal diagnosis. I have worked in aged care and a support centre in the public hospital system.
I am passionate about assisting people to find their own way through and to find peace with unresolved issues in their lives. Often fears and insecurities arise during a transition that are linked to childhood. These fears hold us back and prevent us from stepping forward confidently into the next phase of our lives.
I help women ask the incredibly complex and difficult question: What do you want?
Client Love
“Debra, the Feminine Embodiment Coaching session today was so interesting and powerful. Your facilitation skills are spot on. I felt safe and supported throughout. Your guided pace felt right. The invitation and pause to let me find what you were guiding me towards was perfect. Your synopsis of my explanation of what was going on in my life had me feeling like Wow, she says it better than I do. It was a very powerful experience. You are a natural. Excited that you will have this to offer, among your many gifts. Blessings."
~ Alyce
"I found the reading insightful, informative and a valuable confirmation of where I am at and where I am headed. A wonderful opportunity for reflection and re-calibration!"
~ Louise
"I found Deb's Akashic reading truly fascinating. For a topic so complex and potentially difficult to fathom, I really felt that Deb explained the information she was sharing with an extraordinary amount of insight and an interpretation that made it clear to understand. It answered questions I had on a subconscious level and I'm left with a feeling that life is as it should be. I'm looking forward to continuing the journey with Deb."
~ Lucy
The Family Curse
“I was told that her great grandmother had experiences where she would see an entity braiding the manes of their horses.” “My family is cursed” Annette told me. She wasn’t…
Read MoreWhen your Past Impacts Your Present
Last week I accessed an Akashic Record for a woman who felt strongly that her past (parallel!!) lives were impacting her current lifetime. So I took a look. I absolutely…
Read MoreMy Courses are designed to help you understand how You Can Live Your Life On Purpose and to give you the knowledge and tools to help you explore your journey so that you can see how you can become even more when you are living your life on purpose...and where you aren’t!
Live Your Life on Purpose is Debra's 8Module program designed guide you on How To Live Your Life On Purpose. Learn what is stopping us from fully embracing our true potential and living a life on purpose. Learn how do to reconnect with our own highest path and purpose. As you step fully into your highest path and purpose your energy, joy and passion will be infectious!
Stand In Your Power is Debra's 8Module program designed to empower you to tune in to your body, your mind, emotions and soul. Release any self-limiting beliefs or patterns and create clear boundaries. Connect with your own intuitive gifts and your own inner wisdom, through the body as a temple and sacred container for your soul. Learn grounding techniques for now and in the future.
Are you sick and tired of being everybody’s energetic fuelling station? Are you ready to take control of your own energy and create firm, clear boundaries so others will value and respect you? Are you sick of always being the giver, never the receiver?
How To Create Clear Boundaries Course is for you if you are a HSP (a Highly Sensitive Person), an empath, an intuitive or a healer who struggles to create clear boundaries.