About Debra

Founder of The SoulFull Sister Revolution: empowering women to take back their power, passion and purpose

What happens when you move into a share house with four others...and a poltergeist?! I was only twenty at the time and in my final year of university but it changed me forever. It took me on a weird and wonderful journey with incontrovertible proof of Spirit.

Fast forward thirty years and I am now offering to teach others all I’ve discovered for myself.

My name is Debra Reeves and I am the founder of The SoulFull Sister Revolution.

I have over 30 years’ experience communicating directly with Spirit and am trained as a professional intuitive and Feminine Embodiment Coach.

Originally from New Zealand, I live on the heart shaped island of Tasmania, off the southern coast of Australia with my husband, our three sons, two border collies and two cats.

I fell into the weird and wonderful world of Spirit. In my final year of university when I was twenty-one I moved into a share house with four housemates and a very active poltergeist. She would slam doors so the whole house shook, move things on the mantle piece, pinch you and billow wall hangings. Everyone felt her or saw her so there was no doubt she existed.

This rather intrusive poltergeist proved the incontrovertible existence of the spirit realm for me. This experience threw open the doors to the spirit realm and made all of Spirit feel accessible. I began, slowly but surely, exploring the infinite possibilities open to us in Spirit.

And life has never been the same since!

I spent the next five years travelling through Asia and the Near East, living and working in thirteen countries. I met amazing people and explored culture through religion and spirituality, striking up conversations with the locals and studying whenever I could. By the time I was 27 I had studied Usui Reiki to master level, spiritual healing, Hatha yoga, Kriya yoga, traditional Thai Massage (Northern style) and Vipassana Meditation.

I discovered the keys, spiritual tools and resources to radically transform my life and revolutionise my beliefs and patterns.


I underwent a massive inner and outer transformation.

Without seeking meaning and a purpose in my life in my twenties I would be a radically different person now. I shifted my inner perspective to the point where I attracted a life partner and was able to give and receive love.

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I met the love of my life, we married 2001 and birthed three sons.

Nothing can prepare a couple for children. Parenthood altered our lives and relationship in infinite ways. Parenthood shifted our perspective and drew our attention away from our individual selves and towards us as a family unit. We explored the beliefs and patterns we had unconsciously inherited from our own upbringing. We shed all the thoughts, words and actions that would not serve our children.

This was a conscious choice to evolve as individuals and as a partnership in order to give our children the best start to life.

We said yes to birthing three incredible souls. We became co-creators of their soul contracts, supporting them to explore and express their own soul’s gifts and urges. I let go of the need to control. I became more patient and tolerant. I explored the world through the eyes of my joyous, curious children.

I sorted through the choices, every single day, and chose love. This meant moving out of fear and separation and toward love and connection with my thoughts, words and actions.

When my last child, my third child, started school it was like the Universe gave me an almighty kick up the backside. It was like the Universe said “Enough. Time is up! It is time to get on with your work. Chop chop!”

I learned how to access the Akashic Records. This is an amazing database of information. It holds a record of everyone’s soul – past, present and future. By reading people’s Akashic Record, I could help them to understand the highest path and purpose of their lives, their soul gifts soul urges and the life lessons they were born to learn.

I learned how to receive messages, clarity, and guidance from a person’s personal spirit guide team for Intuitive Readings. And from there it just snowballed. I learned how to channel information, to channel guidance and meditations so that I could give people the spiritual tools that they needed for Programs and Trainings.

Hormones go Haywire

By end of 2020, I went up two bra sizes and a massive spare tyre suddenly appeared around my waist. I’ve never gained weight unless I’m pregnant so it had to be hormonal - peri menopause. I am forty-nine years old. I haven’t had hot flashes or mood swings but experienced night sweats. After being regular as clockwork the arc of the moon across the sky, I no longer marks my cycle.

A new thought took hold; that my body is in flux. I am a shifting sea of hormones. The last thing my body needs is pressure to be a certain shape and size. So, I’ve decided to accept my new shape and size. I’ll wait for my hormones to balance out before I consider weight loss. No point trying while my body has so much going on. I’m happy with who I am. I am is a woman going through “the change”. No point forcing or pushing. I’m going to soften, relax and go with the flow.


The Big C

2023 was a roller coaster of massive life changes. Within the space of 5 months, (in this order) my hubby and I bought a new house with a long settlement, put our house on the market, I was diagnosed with cancer, we sold our home, we became homeless and moved into my hubby’s family home for 8 weeks (with our three sons, two dogs and two cats), had 6 weeks chemoradiation, I was hospitalised with side effects for 5 days and the day I was discharged from hospital we moved into our new home! It was a huge 5 months.

My pelvis has been to hell and back in the past 6 months. I was diagnosed with cancer on May 23, 2023 with an “invasive” 60mm tumour. Although not life-threatening I was in a world of pain. The tumour was a rare form of cancer that responds extremely well to chemoradiation (so no surgery required) so I underwent chemoradiation.

The odd thing was every single time I tuned in, every time I scanned my body and asked body how it was, all I felt was an inner spaciousness, a sense of calm and a peacefulness that never wavered. Even in the depths of despair my body felt spacious, calm and peaceful. This grace opened up within me and was my default. Whenever I felt despair and rage wash through me, I checked in and entered a feeling of space, calm and peace.

After chemoradiation I entered medical menopause. I began a new phase of my life. The end of the treatment also marked moving into a new home with my hubby and three sons. I literally ended treatment and moved into our incredible new home.

So. Much. Change.

Cancer has taken me into one of the biggest initiatory changes of my life.

Cancer is a humbling experience. Experiencing chronic pain and having no control over my life, my spiritual practice and beliefs were essential to my cancer journey, ensuring that I had the inner reserves to enter this dark night of the soul. I was told to surrender into the process, knowing I was loved, guided and protected by my Spirit Guide Team. My life was stripped to the absolute essentials, prioritising my husband and sons. I came out of the treatment with a real appreciation for this life and a desire to seize the day.


Do you have the inner resources to weather any storm in life?

"There's this idea in Western society that its a terrible tragedy to die as if its bad luck or bad management. And maybe the mark of someone who hasn't quite got the stuff. It's so unfair. It's really so disrespectful. And also delusional. Because we're all dying all the time." Tilda Swinton on death.

We all think that illness, disease, death will nt happen to us, that if we do yoga or meditation or affirmations we will be exempt from our mortality. Our spirituality does not shield us from life. It does not prevent challenges coming to us. But our spirituality can help us ride the roller coaster of life with more ease and grace.

We all have the capacity to live in a state of inner spaciousness, a sense of calm and a peacefulness, regardless of what life throws at us. We love ourselves and are able to self soothe, self nurture. We have the inner reserves to cope with the challenges of life. We tune into our body, mind and emotions to feel how spacious, calm and peaceful we are on a soul level.

When we be are trained we to return to this state of inner spaciousness, we become unshakable. We stop fighting, forcing and pushing ourselves and our lives to look a certain way. We begin to live with ease and grace. We are open to give and receive more love. We live in a high vibration and invite others to meet us there.

This is what it feels like to live as a fully embodied SoulFull Woman.

We do not shy away from the challenges of our lives. We accept that life is not all rainbows and sunshine. We live in a state of curiosity and see challenges as part of life's great adventure. We do not cherry-pick our emotions, focusing on the positive and rejecting the negative. We embrace it all! We choose to stay fully present.

We walk the Way of Love.

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You can feel fully and embrace all that life has to offer.

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The 6 Keys to Live a Life on Purpose

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What are the magic ingredients to help to live life in flow? And how do we reconnect with our own highest path and purpose?

By living your life on purpose, you can not only transform yourself and your own life, but those around you too. As you step fully into your highest path and purpose your energy, joy and passion will be infectious!

So, why do we feel so stuck, rudderless? What is stopping us from fully embracing our true potential and living a life on purpose?

Sign up Now to receive The 6 Keys to Live a Life on Purpose!

A Great Place to Start


Soul Work Session

Have a session with one of Debra's certified graduates to rediscover the truth of who you are in an Energy Clearing or Intuitive Reading.





Join me in a deep dive to develop your own skills and intuitive abilities so that you can live your life on purpose.



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The SoulFull Sister Revolution Facebook Group is a worldwide movement to create real and lasting change in the lives of women everywhere, empowering women to live a life on purpose.