“I was told that her great grandmother had experiences where she would see an entity braiding the manes of their horses.”

“My family is cursed” Annette told me. She wasn’t exaggerating. She genuinely believed her family had been cursed as each generation was terrorised by spirits. Annette thought they were cursed – that they were plagued by spirits as a punishment for something they’d done.

Annette needed help with a particularly active and scary poltergeist. After years of being terrorised, it was only when this spirit paralysed both her and her son within hours of each other miles apart, that Annette realised she needed to do something about it.

In the pre-session conversation, I discovered a long and hair-raising back story. I asked Annette if she’d be willing to share her story. Annette has generously agreed to share her story with you all, having read this blog and agreeing to everything that’s been written. Her story is too intriguing to cover in one blog, so I’ll be giving her story in instalments.

Before I describe her family’s experiences can we just pause and talk about terms. I have been a Spirit Rescue Worker for almost thirty years. That is helping an earthbound spirit (a spirit attached to a property) go to their next right place of expression. I have been offering Astral Entity Clearings for about five years. An astral entity is a disincarnate soul stuck on the earth plane. Whether we’re aware of it or not most of us have attachments.

I can count on one hand the number of spirits who were intentionally frightening and feeding on fear. Only one was the scary frightening variety. That’s one in almost thirty years.

Annette’s family came to Tasmania from Putingnano, Italy in 1968. The town they lived in was very old, as was their trulli house that dated back to the fourteenth century. They were religious, Roman Catholic.

Annette was the youngest of five and the only one born in Australia after they migrated. She didn’t get to meet her grandparents but was told stories of the curse from her mother and Aunts.

Once Annette’s grandmother found her apron torn and a black cross burnt onto it. Another time Annette’s grandfather chased a spirit through the house that knocked items over as he tried to chase it out. Annette isn’t sure if it had any relevance to the curse or not but her grandfather would become angry and violent when drunk, doing irrational things like burning money despite how poor they were.

Growing up, Annette’s mother and one of her sisters would share a single bed. Annette was told that “as they slept, they would feel something on them, pressure and pinching”. Things would be moved around their room. One morning they woke to find their shoes had been stacked on top of each other. Annette admitted that “when telling me these stories, my mum and aunts were frightened.”

Encounters Continued In Australia

When they moved to Australia, Annette’s father purchased an old house. As a child, Annette had many experiences growing up there. Annette said that her father “would always sleep with the covers over his head. He would never mention ghosts but Annette had a feeling perhaps he was having experiences also.”

Annette’s mother slept in a different room and told Annette when they had moved out after her father had passed that she had felt things there too. Annette had many experiences in this house.

“I would be in the lounge room alone and would see indentations in the couch, like someone was sitting down. I once heard a voice come out of the old fireplace dad had replaced with a gas heater, it said ‘get out!’ My room was adorned with music posters, one morning I woke up, all of them were on the floor. One morning I woke up to my pillow soaked in blood, the only time I have ever had a blood nose, not sure if this was relevant but seemed strange.”

Annette used to hear footsteps down the hall. Annette remembered running to her brother, scared every time something happened. One night, Annette felt like she left her body on the bed, astral travelling. Annette’s mother and sister later admitted to her they would hear things also.

Annette’s mother said she would see and hear something walking down the hall and have nightmares often, as did Annette’s sister. After Annette’s father passed away in 1995, Annette’s sister and her family moved into the house for about a year before it was sold.

Annette’s stayed one night and was “frozen scared, a green-grey mist hovered above me”. Annette’s other sister also stayed there on a different occasion and told Annette the same thing had happened to her, before Annette had told her sister her experience!

A Curse…Or a Gift?

I began to see a pattern. These encounters spanned two houses in two countries and three generations. These spirits might have been different earthbound spirits in these homes (so earthbound spirits) or they might have been the same spirit attached to a woman in each generation (astral entities).

The other clear conclusion was that Annette’s family were able to see and hear spirits. They were psychic. But instead of understanding this psychic ability as a gift it had been full of fear and understood as a curse. Three generations of Annette’s family had thought they were cursed – that they were plagued by spirits as a punishment for something they’d done.

I wonder how different this could have been if their great grandmother had perceived her psychic abilities as a gift to be treasured and respected. I wonder how different this could have been if their great grandmother had called them a lineage of witches or psyches…or Spirit Rescue Workers.

I wonder how differently these spirits would have been treated if they’d been seen, heard and acknowledged. I wonder if these lost souls just needed help to find their way home, help that was not given. I wonder whether these lost souls would have felt the need to escalate their interactions, begging for help.

We are all soul. Some of us just need a little more help to find their way home. I continue to do this work for people now to assist earthbound spirits and deceased loved ones to pass over.

An earthbound spirit will often give you a visceral sensation – goose bumps, the hair standing up on the back of your neck. If you are a HSP (highly sensitive person), an Empath or an Intuitive you’ll be able to sense more. You might be able to tune in to exactly what they look like and may hear them whispering to you. You might be able to see them, hear them, and feel what they feel.

In the next blog, Annette shares how her experiences escalated…

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