You are a divine spark…connected to all that is

“This program has lovingly brought me back towards home/center… and it’s reminded me, as in Debra’s words, “You are a divine spark…connected to all that is”. Through this guided & healing process, I’ve embraced a greater sense of self & self love. I’ve grounded into feeling more alive and steadfast in my sovereignty. I’ve established stronger (more tender) connections/bonds with my loved ones, Spirit and Nature. I’m gradually settling back into my organic skin, taking time to explore & digest all the new awarenesses & feels that continue to unfold. Trusting myself, and the Universe, through this life changing process has proven to be one of the greatest gifts. Tuning-in to the Universe’s heartbeat is a never ending, beautiful story. It’s a magical adventure that I’ll continue to spiral my way through for the rest of my cosmic life, being ever so loved, guided and protected along the way!… So Blessed! ”
~ Alison