I feel sooooo connected and in touch with myself.

“I feel sooooo connected and in touch with myself. I feel more compelled to trust myself instead of others. When we have allowed ourselves to have been controlled by others we feel so disempowered. I have foolishly allowed myself to be controlled by others because I lacked self-confidence and fear. I really have given away my own power and I feel so grateful that I do not need to anymore. I can confidently let that part of my life go. I can embrace my own power and to trust myself to do what I want to do.
You see for so long I was afraid. I felt worthless. I lacked confidence. I was afraid of how people would react to me if I was honest. I was afraid of making others angry. I was always taught to have the role of submission to obey and be a good girl…I’m tired of playing this game and living my life around others.
I’m so grateful for this experience. Stepping into my power for sure.”
~ Kalyan