Is a broad overview of your soul gifts and soul urges that shape who you truly are.
You can seek guidance and direction in a specific area of your life. This can be:
If you feel unsure of your purpose in life and the gifts and urges you were born to use, then an Akashic Record Reading is the ideal place to start.
An Akashic Record Reading describes who you truly are on a soul level. This insight helps you to understand why you act the way you do and why you attract certain situations and people to you.
In an Akashic Record Reading Debra accesses the record of your soul – past, present and future. An Akashic Record Reading describes who you truly are on a soul level. This insight helps you to understand why you act the way you do and why you attract certain situations and people to you. Within the reading Debra will discuss your soul gifts and the life lessons you have chosen to master.
Your Akashic Record Reading can focus on your soul gifts and learnings in the area of career or relationship. You can specify if you would like to pay particular attention to career or relationship. Explore whether your current career path best serves you, whether it needs adjusting or whether you are ready to go in a new direction to be more aligned with your highest path and purpose.
Debra can also access a deceased loved one's Akashic Records in order for you to understand their life and death from the perspective of their soul's evolution.
This Reading gives you an overview of your life in all its aspects deceased offering a combination of all readings to look at specific areas in your life that you would like clarity.
Book Your Akashic Record Reading Today!
All Readings last for 60 minutes and are US$259 (please specify the Reading you would like).
Please allow at least 4 days before your appointment for me to prepare your Reading.
Use this link to book in and pay straight into my diary:
What Does it Do!
You will learn:
- What underlies your way of being in the world and how you relate to others.
- Your self-limiting thoughts and beliefs and how they manifest in your life.
- Your soul purpose
- Your most significant past life and how it affects you.
Afterwards you will be emailed the completed reading so that you can read it at your leisure and use it as a reference in future. An Akashic Record Reading is between 8-12 pages long.
Debra offers two weeks for you to ask questions to gain clarity on any aspect of your reading.
Your Reading is researched and written prior to a Skype or Facebook Messenger session (research takes too long to conduct live) where we discuss your reading for about 60 minutes.
At our session Debra will read out what she discovered for you to discuss. This gives you the chance to hear it out loud, for it to be put into the real and to give you time to process the information.
An Akashic Record Reading lasts for 60 minutes and costs US$259 (please specify "Akashic Record Reading").
Book Your Akashic Record Reading Today!
All Readings last for 60 minutes and are US$259 (please specify the Reading you would like).
Please allow at least 4 days before your appointment for me to prepare your Reading.
Use this link to book in and pay straight into my diary:
What To Expect
Your Akashic Record Reading will include:
- Your unique personality traits, your soul gifts and soul urge
- What underlies your way of being in the world and how you relate to others
- What your life lessons are and how these may manifest in your life
- What role your soul has been performing for other souls between incarnations
- Past lives, looking at the earthly place and period in history as well as the earthly spiritual paths where you experienced great strides in growth and shaped who you are on the soul level.
- Whether you hold a secondary Godspark, where it is connected and why the Universe deemed it necessary for you to have extra support
- The Archetypes you hold in this lifetime
- What your most significant Intuitive Gifts are
- What your most significant Empathic Gifts are
Debra will research and write the Reading before the face to face Skype meeting (research takes too long to conduct live) where you discuss your reading for about 1 hour.
Afterwards you will be emailed the completed reading so that you can read it at your leisure and use it as a reference in future.
Debra offers another two weeks for you to ask questions to gain clarity on any aspect of your Reading.
Start living with a whole new perspective. Discover what really matters in your life.
Be open to the inspiring, uplifting, life affirming experience that awaits you.
Book Your Akashic Record Reading Today!
All Readings last for 60 minutes and are US$259 (please specify the Reading you would like).
Please allow at least 4 days before your appointment for me to prepare your Reading.
Use this link to book in and pay straight into my diary:
For a limited time I’m offering you a Akashic Record Package includes:
- Akashic Record Reading
- Energy Clearing
- 6 Feminine Embodiment Coaching Sessions
- Insight Reading or Past Life Reading
- Teachings & Guided Meditations
- Ongoing Inspiration & Support from Debra
Book in a free 15 minute Propel Yourself call with Debra to learn more about the Akashic Reading Package
Are you curious about your past lives?
A Past Life Reading gives details of your most significant past life that affects your current life.
In a Past Life Reading I specifically ask to be given the earthly periods of history where your soul has experienced great strides in growth and shaped who you are on the soul level.
Book Your Past Life Reading Today!
A Past Life Reading lasts for 60 minutes and costs US$259 (please specify "Past Life Reading").
Spirit Guidance
These Intuitive Readings access your Akashic Record and receive messages and guidance from your vast Spirit Team. This can be a:
An Insight Reading | A Spirit Guide Profile Reading | Spirit Animal Reading
This Reading gives you detailed information on your spirit guides, guardian angels, ascended masters and any astral beings present with you in spirit. Receiving a Spirit Guide Profile Reading can increase your sense of emotional and spiritual well being, knowing that you are not alone on your path through life.
Debra will include as many details as possible, building a clear and accurate profile of each individual spirit guide. These are all clues that build up a clear profile of each guide individually to enable you to identify them for yourself by how to recognise each guide when they contact you. Debra will relate this profile with what role they play and how they assist and guide you.
This makes it easier to connect with your personal spirit team. You will find it easier to recognise spiritual guidance when it comes to you and feel a deeper connection to your spirit guide team.
Book Your Spirit Guide Profile Reading Today!
A Spirit Guide Profile Reading lasts for 60 minutes and cost US$259 (please specify "Spirit Guide Profile Reading").
What Does it Do!
Your Spirit Guide Profile Reading will include:
- A full description of each Spirit Guide’s appearance, personality, soul gifts, name
- Spirit Guide’s role in your life, including life lessons they are assisting you with, shared past lives, role in your life, any intuitive gifts used to communicate with you, and any messages they wish to share.
- Temporary Guides who have all come into your life to help you in a transition period.
- Guardian Angels or Archangels present who have a message for you
- An Ascended Master you have a particular affinity with.
- Astral beings present who wished to be known and have a message for you.
- Messages from your Spirit Guides to receive general messages of encouragement and support. Debra then asks any specific questions you would like clarity on.
A Spirit Guide Profile Reading lasts for 60 minutes and cost US$259 (please specify "Spirit Guide Profile Reading").
A description of each Spirit Guide in your team; their chosen appearance, personality traits and name in order to build up a profile of their character, along with how you interact and relate to them in your current life.
Book Your Career Reading Today!
A Spirit Guide Profile Reading lasts for 60 minutes and costs US$259 (please specify "Spirit Guide Profile Reading").
An Insight Reading gives you the opportunity to ask questions to your Spirit Guides, along with a general message. Gain clarity on any life events that have left you feeling frustrated or perplexed to understand the deeper meaning.
An Insight Reading is recommended for those who have already received a full Akashic Record Reading.
Book Your Insight Reading Today!
An Insight Reading lasts for 60 minutes and costs US$259 (please specify "Insight Reading").
A description of each Spirit Animal; how they appear, how they behave, the essence is the species and how they communicate with you, along with how you interact and relate to them in your current life.
The purpose of this reading is to give you specific information on your Spirit Animal. Debra goes to your Spirit Guides and meets your Spirit Animal. She will identify who your Spirit Animal is and speak to the animal to gain greater clarity on their relationship with you.
Debra will include as many details as possible, building a clear and accurate description of each Spirit Animal. Debra will relate this to your life; the role they play and how they assist and guide you.
Book Your Spirit Animal Reading Today!
A Spirit Animal Reading lasts for 60 minutes and costs US$259 (please specify "Spirit Animal Reading").
A little praise
Akashic Record Reading (with a focus on Career)
Validated what I had always known
Debra offers her knowledge and skills.
About Debra
Thanks so much Debra for the general reading.
I’ve been working with Debra for 3 years now
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