How to Attract Abundance
Welcome to the new year! How has the new year celebrations and reflections been for you?
If you’re anything like me you’ll have spent a lot of time reflecting on your successes and failures of last year: to see what you want to attract more of – and less of!
My achievements last year would be my tenaciousness and passion to stick to what I am doing. I have absolute conviction that I am doing exactly what I came here to do and all I need to do is to keep on keeping on and see the opportunities as they arise.
This year, on the other hand is another story altogether. I am hoping to really push the envelope and stretch waaay outside of my comfort zone…still with absolute ease and flow if my spirit guides have anything to do about it! They’re busy lining up the ducks now in preparation…it’s just up to me to step up to the challenge!!
This new year is an opportunity to attract all that you want in life. So what do you choose?
I choose:
- To create ever greater connection with my loved ones
- Abundance in all areas of my life
- To be a spiritual thought leader
- To be a catalyst for change in the lives of others
- To create a sense of peacefulness in the lives of others
- To experience great strides in my growth with ease and flow
- To reach a wider audience to connect with those who resonate with me
- To continue to learn and grow in my connection to Spirit that never stops inspiring me!
This time, this portal, sets you up for the coming year. This portal sets your intentions for this new year. So it’s really important to reflect and choose. It remains open well into January…so there’s still time! It is an opportunity to look back over the past 12 months and reflect on what has been.
This is such an incredibly creative portal right now. You are a co-creator of your own reality. The options are endless. You are only limited by your imagination! Choose carefully and choose well!
All that’s needed is for you to decide. Choose what you want. You just need to know what you want and how to get it.
Are you ready to sink into a new level of reality that truly reflects who you truly and celebrates your soul’s gifts and passion?
This is your time to choose. The steps will come when awareness is there. Do not write a ‘to do’ list of New Years resolutions to guilt trip yourself over in a few months.
How you choose to use this time is entirely up to you.
In order to attract abundance this year you need to look back over last year, before setting on motion exactly what you choose to attract. Here are a few steps to get you started…
Step 1
Reflect on last year. What was your purpose? What brought meaning to your life? What brought happiness and excitement into your life? What made your heart sing? Where did you have successes? Do you want more of that? How do you attract more of that into your life?
Are you ready to rediscover all that life truly has to offer? Do you want to engage with life on a deeper more inspiring level?
Step 2
What needs to change?
Maybe your job/career hasn’t fulfilled you and you’re looking for something new where you would feel appreciated and stimulated.
Maybe your relationships aren’t fulfilling and you crave greater connection.
Maybe you are looking for greater connection in your relationship with yourself.
Maybe after reflecting you can see the self-limiting patterns and beliefs holding you back from love.
Maybe after reflecting you can see the underlying patterns and beliefs holding you back from happiness…
So, how to break the patterns? (hint: I’ll help you in the following steps!)
Step 3
Ask your spirit guides to assist you in any way they can.
They really aren’t invested in any one direction or choice. All that matters is that you choose! Then they have a clear direction to set the ducks up for you!
Step 4
Exercise: How to Attract Abundance
This is an exercise to help you clarify exactly what you want to attract into your life this year.
Write a letter as if describing the life you already have. Share intimate details of your love, laughter and special moments shared on a day to day basis as if you are writing to a trusted friend and confidante.
Describe your life as if your friend hasn’t seen you in a long time and you are filling them in on all that’s changed in your life. Be careful what you wish for! Be thorough and try not to miss anything out.
Look at the life style you lead and how you would like to improve it. Roll it into a container under your pillow. Spend a few minutes before sleep holding the container and feeling the love and happiness that you give and receive from this life.
Describe how you see yourself FEELING as if it’s already happened. Imagine what you have as if it is already occurring (a happy, loving relationship) rather than what you want or hope or wish for as this only leads the Universe to fulfull your need to want or hope or wish.
Take note of the gaps in you and your ability to give and receive this kind of relationship. This exercise is also helpful in seeing who you are most attracting to being yourself and aspects you need to work on yourself.
Your purpose is great…now is the time to step into your soul’s higher purpose. If you are ready to rediscover all that life truly has to offer, if you want to engage with life on a deeper more inspiring level, I am here for you.
If you need to really understand what’s in store for you and how to squeeze the most out of this year then consider having a session with me. Spiritual coaching addresses what’s coming up for you now, with exercises and practices to help you bring it to fruition. You will see real results!
A portal open? Very interesting. Thank you Debra for the Akashic Record reading. You help me understand more who i am. Actually i have been in touch with someone i met last year with music. She is a very talented singer musician and has kids same as me. I started recording and sending music videos as she has been for me. I want to choose to be closer and pursue music with her before we are too old old. We have similar dream get along so far as well. It was a big choice because i am learning lots of music meeting new people Any advice i would appreciate it. Thank you for inspiring me.
Hi Ryan, thanks so much for the update. Good on you for choosing what you want and taking steps towards creating it. Good on you! You absolutely deserve to be loved up and filfulled. Best wishes to you.