The truth is the Akashic Reading has had a profound effect on me.
“The truth is the Akashic Reading has had a profound effect on me. Whilst I am not yet sure how to process some of the information as it is very new to me, much of the reading confirmed a lot about myself I knew on some level. The most important thing the reading demonstrated to me is the significance of my soul. I’m uncertain about many things, not least of all whether life forms have souls, what a soul is and the nature of a soul’s journey. Although I have so many questions, I am beginning to learn the importance of having faith in that which I don’t understand. The reading has reinvigorated my interest in the spirit world.
At this stage, I need to look after myself better and regain my energy then I want to learn as much as I can about myself and how to connect with this world that is so mysterious to me.”
~ Jessica