What a Difference a Year Makes

In 2017 my focus shifted from professional intuitive/Akashic Record Reader towards spiritual coach/healer. It was such a subtle shift I didn’t even notice it happening!
It began by creating a Tune In Session – to coach clients one on one with the help of their spirit guides. This was one part spirit guide message and one part exercise – often an approach given to me by their spirit guides.
My work started becoming more and more experiential and creative. I started to accumulate a huge resource of channeled exercises and practices. I needed to change my title so I started using ‘professional intuitive and spiritual coach’ to better reflect what I was being called to do.
I was already offering Astral Entity Clearings; guiding clients to connect with and communicate with the earthbound spirits that had attached to their energy body, then assist these souls to cross over. We are all soul, all Beings of love and light- some just need more help than others to find their way home. Now I was being called on to offer new energy clearings.
2017 was very much about clearing old patterns and beliefs. This was clear by my work. I was approached by clients needing to relinquish toxic or dysfunctional ties to loved ones and ex lovers. So I started offering Cord Cutting sessions to energetically release these draining and depleting psychic cords.
I began to attract more and more Deceased Loved Ones Readings – where clients needed to check on their loved ones who’d recently passed over and check they were doing well. These became a regular Reading and gave me the most profound experiences along with my client’s (read: http://www.annasayce.com/one-womans-journey-afterlife-words/ )
I began unpacking my own family: writing about ‘Ancestors – Skeletons in the Family Closet’. I shared my fascination with genealogy and epigenetics as a way to fully understand myself.
This led to more channeled resources – this time an energy clearing that specifically cleared generational patterns: a Generational Patterns Clearing. It is an incredible session I heartily recommend to anyone with a difficult family dynamic…so just about everyone!
I was also approached by a beautiful client to assist her through her spiritual awakening. She was becoming frustrated by how easily affected she was by external events and people. She would loose her high vibration and be sucked into other people’s stuff too easily.
I wrote a new ‘Raise Your Vibration’ course designed for those experiencing spiritual awakening or who’ve been on the spiritual path a long time without training and the spiritual tools to help them help themselves. It became over 300 pages of theory and practice – giving my client loads to background before bringing it into the physical with real spiritual tools she now has at her disposal.
The ‘Raise Your Vibration’ course has also helped me to really understand the beliefs I had learned in my own spiritual awakening and my own core practices developed over the past 26 years (and counting!). It was like doing a spiritual life review!! It raised all the subtle shifts in perspective needed to not just have spiritual beliefs but to live a spiritual life…that’s being and living your spiritual beliefs all day every day!
In the process I used the revelations from the 21 day retreat I participated in in India at the beginning of 2017. This was such a life changing experience I am still processing it!! One year on! During the retreat I remembered traumatic childhood events where I popped out of my body to float above, at ceiling level, cradled in the arms of my guardian angel. This ability came in handy for spiritual work – I could slip easily from my shell and felt intimately connected to myself on a soul level as well as my spirit guides. I’d been hanging out with them ever since I could remember!
I had spent my life developing my upper chakras, training in how to leave my body at will and meet spirit. I had developed my intuitive gifts (working hard night after night as a spirit rescue worker) and learned how to channel their information for the benefit of others.
I also discovered the downside to this ability…I had all but abandoned my lower chakras! I was pretty much numb from the waist down! In the the 21 day retreat I discovered I needed to remember how to embody my physical form more fully and not pop out of my body when the going got tough.
The ‘Raise Your Vibration’ course gives others on the spiritual path the spiritual tools to access themselves on a soul level THROUGH the body – not out of it. It used all the wisdom I’d learned – what to do but most importantly what not to do!
I continue to learn and explore this for myself and am returning to India to participate in 12 days of the retreat in mid February. Chameli Ardagh has become my most trusted teacher and I also look forward to going to satsang with Chameli’s teacher, Shantimayi for a few days after the retreat. My own personal and professional development continues!
But it kept on! 2017 just relentless and kept pushing me on! My Akashic Record teacher, Anna Sayce, contacted me to be a guest blogger on her website (I really love writing!) followed by a request to offer energy clearings for empaths. Another energy clearing! In consultation with Anna, I created the Empath Aura Cleanse. This is a huge multifaceted energy clearing that has incredible far-reaching results.
So here I was, a ‘professional intuitive and spiritual coach’ doing more energy clearings than Akashic Record Readings! My role had subtly shifted through the year, so imperceptibly I hadn’t even noticed! By December I was scratching my head and recoiling at the thought of having inadvertently become a healer (past life stuff, don’t ask!!).
I felt deeply uncomfortable with the new role and unsure whether I could genuinely help people to heal. I’d spent years telling everyone “I am not a healer” and referring them to others! Yet here I was being lured unsuspectingly into this role. Yes, it was really pushing my buttons.
You can’t imagine what the future holds! Even with an absolutely intimate connection with my spirit guides nothing they could have said would have prepared me for this. So rather than give me the chance to panic my spirit guides stayed quiet and told me to “wait and see!”. They have just allowed this healer aspect to unfold so gently and easily. I do love my spirit guides! They know how I would have fought this and no doubt rebelled and tried to thwart it!!
So what does 2018 hold for me? Who knows!! I’m wise enough not to ask! I’d much rather allow it to unfold gently and easily. I know I’m loved, guided and protected. There’s absolutely nothing to fear. And I am so passionately on fire with all that I want to achieve in my work! If anything, there’s not enough hours in the day for all that I’m driven to achieve!
I absolutely love seeing the shifts, both subtle and dramatic, in my beautiful clients. It’s a thrill I don’t think I’ll ever get used to. I love assisting others. I meet the most amazing soulful women from all over the world and share raw moments of connection and revelation on a deep and profound level.
Even healers need healers. We all need an external helping hand to validate and confirm we’re on the right track and to inspire us towards even greater things! I am an open and clear channel for Spirit to work with me and through me. I hold myself to very high standards and work with great integrity, honesty and as much authenticity as I can.
Hello Debra,
I really enjoyed reading the above blog…you have certainly been a busy girl. Can feel your passion and enthusiasm.
I on the other hand have been focusing on a different path having made the decision to move home – was originally moving up your way, but my adult kids has convinced me to join them in Qld. Just returned back yesterday having bought a potentially lovely home. Major renovations will put the love into it :o). I leave on 21st February and I would love to have a “session “ with you before then. Do your have a spot in the first week of feb ? (or sooner if more suitable for you).
Look forward to hearing from you
Love and light.
Hi Carolyn so lovely to hear from you! Wow it sounds like you have exciting new journey about to unfold for you. Yes I’ll send you an email now to set up your session.
Hi Debra, love reading your crusade, I always learn or I am inspired from your journies. Yes! Yes! Yes! You are a healer! I love it! Love it! Love it!💕 You are a Beautiful Soul🌈
Oh Gayle, so lovely to hear from you! I hope you are well? Thank you for your beautiful encouragement- even though I’m feeling very triggered right now!!! 😂 I hope life is treating you well. Much love to you
Wow tgats amazing. You inspire me. I would love to go to india someday. Im also interested in the work you do for myself. Is it true we can all do it? Love your writing.
Hi Betty, thanks so much for reaching out. I hope I understand your question correctly – that “we can all do it” is referring to connecting to Spirit? Is that what you meant? I guess for me this is why I became a professional intuitive – to remind beautiful soulful people of what we are all naturally capable of. Tune in was birthed from this belief in our own innate abilities that lie dormant but not lost within each and every one of us…just waiting to be reactivated and awakened! I would love to help you to find this within yourself. It’s all there! Please contact me when you are ready to explore all that you truly are!
Hi yes that what I meant. What kind of session should I set up with you? I need a bit of everything I think. Mostly I need focus on career, fulfillment and my gifts. I like to believe i am i tuitive in the sense that I can also help ppl reach their highest potential
Hi Betty, yes that sounds like a Career Reading to me…I’ll send you an email with all the details.