“You’re not going to believe it-(well, maybe you will!)… Today at the grocery store, there was an elderly lady walking so slow in front of me. The back of her shirt said this: “Because you’re worth it.” I felt like the front of her shirt was going to say, “Love yourself.” Haha! I didn’t catch what it said on the front because I didn’t want to seem odd. Your words and interpretation were very powerful yesterday. I do feel full with answers and I look forward to all the forward movement and positive changes that are to come. You are a real treasure in this world!

Also, I can’t believe that my spirit animal is a white heron. I’ve been seeing white herons all year this year (probably 10 in total). And actually saw one fly over head while I was driving to work Tuesday morning (the day of my reading). I looked them up to confirm it wasn’t a crane. Wild!”
~ Kristina

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