Last week I accessed an Akashic Record for a woman who felt strongly that her past (parallel!!) lives were impacting her current lifetime. So I took a look. I absolutely LOVE what I do! For those who haven’t worked with me, I am a professional intuitive and Spiritual Coach. I love to play in the…

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I was so thrilled to meet my great great American ancestor, Frank and get to know him. We had the pleasure of getting to know him and the opportunity to hear his side of things. I described this in the first article of this series on generational patterns, ‘Ancestors- Skeletons in the Closet’. Frank was able…

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So many of our ancestors had little opportunity to heal their pain. When pain is too great, people tend to avoid it. When emotions are blocked we prevent the natural release of emotions necessary for healing. These unresolved emotions are internalized because there was no other way or outlet available at the time. Sometimes pain…

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