Sometimes we are offered glimpses of understanding that bends the time space continuum – these are moments when you can glimpse the consequences of actions and when the normal laws of our three-dimensional world no longer apply. In popular culture, this is called a premonition. Reality is stretched, bent and folded into itself so that…

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I believe that we all have spirit guides, guardian angels, spirit animals, archangels and ascended masters assigned to us irrespective of our religion or culture. Ascended masters are not restricted by culture. That’s why so many westerners feel drawn to follow Hinduism or Buddhism despite their Christian upbringing. We have all had soooo many lives!…

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I really love what I do. I particularly love helping people discover their own intuitive gifts and what they’re capable of. I had a session with a guy recently who described himself as having a spiritual awakening. He was going through a period of unprecedented, accelerated growth and was grabbing every opportunity with both hands!…

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