Please Stay in Touch!

I’ve been sending you emails for a short while now that contain spiritual guidance and updates on my website blogs.

You may have seen that I’ve launched a new endeavour with a new exciting Facebook group! If you’ve already heard about it forgive me for my over zealousness!! I’m just that excited I want to make sure I haven’t missed anyone!

I wanted to reach out to you and see whether you are just like me and would benefit from being a part of a supportive sisterhood.

The SoulFull Sister Revolution is a worldwide movement to create real and lasting change in the lives of women everywhere, empowering women to live a life on purpose. The SoulFull Sister Revolution is a strong sisterhood of likeminded women with a shared vision who are ready and willing to step up and live what they are here (on Earth) to do. Women from all corners of the world contribute in co-creating a growing global movement dedicated to transforming the lives of millions.

The SoulFull Sister Revolution is a sisterhood of like-minded women who are intent on living, leading and leaving their life-changing legacy. Each woman’s presence is significant no matter how much or how little you choose to participate in the group. The more you show up in each moment as you, just as you are, in your way, the more powerful our field becomes.

I’m not sure what this will mean for Tune In with Debra Reeves website page. I’m leaving it at this stage but will probably close it down when I have fully transitioned to my new business.

So in the meantime, I need to comply with GDPR consent requirements, I need to confirm that you would like to continue receiving my free emails. You may have heard about the new General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) that came into effect May 25, 2018. I want to assure you that your information is stored securely and never disclosed to any third parties. As you would be aware, I am no SPAMMER! I take your privacy extremely seriously and treasure the information given and received.

I hope that my emails are still valuable to you. If you’d like to stop hearing from me, please update your subscription settings. Just reply to this email stating “Unsubscribe” or go to the ‘Unsubscribe’ tab at the bottom.

Thank you for your time and have an amazing day.
Best Wishes, Debra

P.S. If you would like more on The SoulFull Sister Revolution please don’t hesitate to contact me.


  1. MoonStars on June 8, 2018 at 5:55 pm

    I really enjoy your emails and Tune Ins. I would like to be part of the SoulSister thing, but I hesitate only because it’s on Facebook (“Spybook”) and I avoid “Spybook”. The whole nefarious setup with FB, Google, YouTube, etc is a repellant for me and many others, yet good people are snagged into the mess in order to communicate with their audiences. Ahh, what to do, what to do?!

    Yes, I will still follow your writings and wisdom till we see where all this leads into and what sites are involved yet I prefer NO BIG BROTHER sites breathing down our necks and usurping my personal privacy.

    We are now in times that have been written about in horror and fearfully prophesized by great seers. Mankind needs compassionate wisdom and loving guidance.

    • Debra Reeves on June 9, 2018 at 10:21 am

      Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts. I guess this is a matter of personal preference. I personally absolutely LOVE and appreciate the www and how it has brought the world closer, opened up channels of communication and the dissemination of vast quantities of otherwise unknown information.

      For me the www has been the ultimate new age tool – bringing wisdom and connection to the masses! It’s has meant that the powers that be have totally lost control of wisdom and the highest knowledge that’s been passed down in secret sects for centuries.

      Now it’s available with a click of the button!!! Wow! I see the www as a revolution, sweeping through the world!!!!

      So yes ok they are desperately attempting to rein it in and try to control the horse that’s already bolted!!!

      But let’s ignore their petty attempts and USE THE WWW TO OUR ADVANTAGE!

      I love connecting with people all over the world! I love sharing my experiences and hard-earned wisdom with others all over the world! I love being able to be eyeball to eyeball with other women all over the world! It’s an amazing tool when used well.

      We can use this tool and continues breaking down barriers in the time/space continuum. We can use it to bring in the new earth – a 5D vibration that resonates with love or above!

      The SoulFull Sister Revolution is a space where we all empower each other to live a life on purpose. We are leaning a new way to being to start filling the vacuum left as the old patriarchal paradigm leaves. This is incredibly important work – it’s a worldwide revolution that’s taking place not just in The SoulFull Sister Revolution but in hundreds of similar groups and women’s circles all over the world…helped by the www!!

      How does that resonate with you? Are you in??

  2. Angela Reilly on November 15, 2018 at 4:46 am

    I love this work! Thank you for putting it out there. Wanting to be a part of your sisterhood!

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