So much of it was like “hitting the nail right on the head”
“I found the Akashic reading very interesting and pretty much all of it resonated with me – so much of it was like “hitting the nail right on the head”, only 2 things I would say aren’t from my perspective “me” and that is the comment that I am a spectator to life rather than engaging fully-I’d say I am the opposite and like to be involved and engage fully in all I do. And the other comment about water-yes I love to be around water and I don’t like dark deep water but I also have an urge to be in water-I can’t resist swimming in rivers and the ocean, even cold water won’t usually deter me. The rest seems to me to be amazingly “spot-on”!
I love that my primary life lesson is Authenticity. I am so trying to work on that in all my relationships and I know from experience that when I don’t it damages me. I’m grateful to you for doing this for me. I find it really useful and if I’m unsure of something I can check in with it and always in there is the answer.”
~ Jenny