“Like peeling the layers of an artichoke, you go through many layers before you get to the delicious heart of who you are, and it seems that each layer is more and more succulent. Most of the outer labels of our identity place us in boxes or categories relative to other people. We might identify…

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“Intuition! You know already what you are doing. Just do what you do. Watch the trees, the birds. See and hear all that is around you as symbols for the greater knowing. That is all there is to know. You do not need a thunder clap or a voice telling you what to do. That…

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Spirit guides are all just as unique as you and I. Some are more engaging, hands-on or talkative than others while others prefer to sit back and let you figure it out for yourself. Discover what works best for you and your guides. Often this is also a learning curve for your spirit guide and…

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