Posts Tagged ‘#spiritguidereading’
Who is in Your Spirit Team?
I believe that we all have spirit guides, guardian angels, spirit animals, archangels and ascended masters assigned to us irrespective of our religion or culture. Ascended masters are not restricted by culture. That’s why so many westerners feel drawn to follow Hinduism or Buddhism despite their Christian upbringing. We have all had soooo many lives!…
Read MoreRelease an Ex-Lover
So, when the relationship is over and you’re ready to move on, how do you let go? If you and an ex are connected on a soul level as twin flames, soul mates or part of your Sacred Contract in this life it can be incredibly difficult to. After a break up it is necessary…
Read MoreFamiliar Faces from Past Lives
I will always remember the first time my mother met my ex. She’d been out of the country travelling more than a year, so this was a long-awaited meeting. My mother had barely even entered the room and I felt it. I vividly remember thinking “Oh no! They hate each other!” and I was right.…
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