“Since my first career reading with Debra, about 3 months ago, I have felt a shift in my awareness. With her guidance, I sensed the room of Guides who are with me always. I began seeing flashes of light, in a range of colours, at significant moments, and still do so. The wisdom from this source…

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“I really enjoyed having this Akashic reading done. Particularly because it highlights parts of yourself that may not have been obvious before, but as soon as you have this done you realize that they’ve been quite major aspects of your journey so far. I really enjoyed the way you delivered this by using positive examples…

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“I found the Akashic reading very interesting and pretty much all of it resonated with me – so much of it was like “hitting the nail right on the head”, only 2 things I would say aren’t from my perspective “me” and that is the comment that I am a spectator to life rather than engaging…

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