Posts Tagged ‘#enlightening’
Can you help Spirits Cross Over?
Do you have a presence in your bedroom at night? Do you feel like someone is trying to contact you? Do you tend to pick up on energy of a place and get a sense of who lives there? Do hospitals and cemeteries freak you out? Do you see earthbound spirits where ever you go?…
Read MoreWhat a Difference a Year Makes
In 2017 my focus shifted from professional intuitive/Akashic Record Reader towards spiritual coach/healer. It was such a subtle shift I didn’t even notice it happening! It began by creating a Tune In Session – to coach clients one on one with the help of their spirit guides. This was one part spirit guide message and…
Read MoreWho is in Your Spirit Team?
I believe that we all have spirit guides, guardian angels, spirit animals, archangels and ascended masters assigned to us irrespective of our religion or culture. Ascended masters are not restricted by culture. That’s why so many westerners feel drawn to follow Hinduism or Buddhism despite their Christian upbringing. We have all had soooo many lives!…
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